Monday, November 01, 2010

PDF/A-2 Standard on Way

LuraTech recently sent us this link explaining some of the new features in the upcoming PDF/A-2 standard. PDF/A is the electronic document archiving standard that was approved by ISO in 2005, but to date as seen limited adoption in North America. The PDF/A Competence Center, of which LuraTech is a member, is hoping to change that.

The technical work on PDF/A-2 is apparently finished with the standard set to be published in early 2011. PDF/A-2 can be used on more complex documents including those with JPEG 2000 compression, open font types, and those including document collections. Overall, it should make PDF/A a more versatile standard and help drive more adoption.


records management said...

I am also using PDF a-2. It is used for archiving the documents for long term. It supports text, images, vector graphics, fonts and colors. Audio, video, javascript files and executable files are forbidden.

Document Protection said...

Hi Friends,

PDF/A is a file format for the long term archiving of electronic documents. It is similar to the PDF/X subset for the printing and graphic arts. Thanks a lot...